Vision of Albion: The Key to the Holy Grail” by Barry Dunford
Guardians of the Way:
The Continuity of the Divine Science of
Light and Sound Teachings through the Ages
by Theresa Dunford (2020)
The Wave of the Future
The Spiritual Truth of the Light and Sound Teachings and the true Gospel of Jesus the Christ
Barry Dunford
In the ancient mystery schools there was always an inner and outer teaching, i. e. the esoteric and exoteric teaching. The innermost esoteric teaching was known as the Light and Sound – the inner sound or Word (Logos) of God. This esoteric corpus is clearly identifiable as the core of the mystery teachings in the Gospel attributed to St. John the Apostle. This Gospel commences “In the beginning was the Word” (Sound), and the writer then goes on to mention the Light, which is clearly secondary, as an outworking or effect of the primary Divine Cause which in Greek is called the Logos or Divine Word, a universal Sound Current which is at the heart of all creation and sustains all Life. Read more
Were Jesus and Mary Magdalen on the Scottish Isle of Iona?
The spiritual role of the sacred isles of Britain in World history.