Sacred Connections Scotland - About us

Barry on the Isle of Iona, Scotland
Barry Dunford: Until coming to live in Scotland, with my wife Theresa, in 1990, my home base had been in Buckinghamshire, England. I first came to Scotland in 1972 and was immediately attracted to its spiritual and mystical aura. Between 1972 and 1990 I visited Scotland most years, during which I found a spiritual affinity with certain kindred spirits as well as with the land itself. Since around 1970 I have been consciously following a spiritual path and indeed the quest for spiritual truth has always been my guiding star. For the past twenty years I have been engaged in researching aspects of the early Celtic history of Scotland and the greater British Isles with particular reference to the founding of an Apostolic Church of Christ in ancient Britain. This led to my writing an initial thesis, in 1996, entitled The Holy Land of Scotland: A lost chapter in the Gospel of the Grail Tradition, and in 2002 I published a revised and largely expanded edition with a new sub-title: The Holy Land of Scotland: Jesus in Scotland and the Gospel of the Grail. In December 2008, Sacred Connections published the further results of my ongoing historical research under the title Vision of Albion: The Key to the Holy Grail. Jesus, Mary Magdalene and the Christ Family in the Holy Land of Britain. In 2009, I became a student of the Light and Sound spiritual teachings as taught by Sri Gary Olsen, who founded MasterPath in the USA in 1987.

Theresa on the Isle of Iona, Scotland
Theresa Dunford: I was born in Essex, England and moved to London in the late 1970’s, working as a secretary, until 1990 when I met my husband and came to Scotland. Whilst a secretary in London I was fortunate to have the opportunity to travel to Africa and the USA, and train to be a shiatsu practitioner. When I resigned from my last permanent secretarial job in 1988 I joined a group tour to Ladakh (Little Tibet) after which I spent three weeks in India. Since 2005 I have been a student of Masterpath: Divine Teachings of Light and Sound.
I alm also interested in Dr Stephen Greer’s CE5 work, also Anthony William, the Medical Medium diet.
Sadly I had a stroke at the end of January 2023,,which was a shock because I live a healthy life.Had 3 falls after leaving hospital and hurt my back (helped by acupuncture). then another fall and broke my left arm. Feel sad at times, partly due to loss of independence but have a wonderful husband, who helps with my walking.
Background pertaining to us both:
When we first came to live in Scotland in 1990 we created The Strathtay Bookshop in Aberfeldy, Perthshire, which we operated for three and a half years. Within the book stock we had a mind/body/spirit section as a primary focus which helped us to connect with all types of spiritually orientated people. We subsequently established a mail order book business, Brigadoon Books, specialising in publications of a metaphysical nature and various aspects of alternative healing. Concurrent with this we also organised a number of alternative health exhibitions throughout Scotland which provided us with much useful experience and many interesting and helpful contacts, which developed into a network of spiritually aware people both within and without Scotland. For several years we have organised a number of seminar/workshops in Fortingall, Perthshire. This is an area of much historical significance, which geographically is situated at the very heart of Scotland. After living in spectacular Glen Lyon, the longest glen in Scotland, for five and a half years, we subsequently moved near to Aberfeldy, Perthshire in central Scotland where we lived for 18 years. In January 2022 we moved to the lovely area of Forres in Morayshire.