Sacred Connections Scotland
Reproduced from the Journal, The Social Crediter, 2 February 1946. We have received the following document from a source in which we have every confidence. It appears to have become available by the indiscretion of one of the Rose family: –
Being comments from communications received from —G —n, and compiled by me for the use of the Central Committee.
With the advent of Aberhart to power in Alberta, [Canada, in 1935] Social Credit, which has been confined chiefly to Scotland and Australia, has made serious inroads in our programme, and with Aberhart’s religious zeal, and ability, we have a fight on our hands, a fight that will tax all our subtle ingenuity. If there arises a man in B. C. [British Columbia, Canada] of Aberhart’s caliber, you men who have been entrusted to stifle such a move will have to resort to the tactics outlined in my previous communications.
We must never be caught asleep again such as the key men in Alberta were. When Douglas appeared before the Alberta Legislature, B—e, under my guidance, inferred to Douglas and Aberhart that the united Farmers were sold on the idea of Social Credit. That was strategy. How Aberhart learned that B—e had consented to call a snap election, (prompted by my interests in New York who financed Alberta Bonds), is what baffled me. Some person in the know, probably a Christer, quietly told Aberhart. You all know what happened. With the zeal of a religious martyr, Aberhart resorted to the radio and the movement spread like prairie fire. I can’t impress upon your minds how this move affected me. I was called to Amtorg, and for a while it appeared as if I, like other stalwarts, would be liquidated. Only by going directly to the Kremlin, and because of my long service for the cause, did Stalin overlook my mistake in Alberta.
I was commissioned to B. C., for already Douglasites under Tutte, et al, were organising. Our contacts had appraised us of this but because of the smallness of the movement we had little to fear. H. T. was in control and I knew that S. C. would never gain a foothold with him in the position entrusted to him. My advice to all key men is to seek H. T.’s advice at all times. Our concern is with the manner in which the theories of Douglas are disseminated. Under no circumstances must it appear that the movement is being sabotaged. Your leading exponents will in addresses and in letters to the press so deceive the average devotees of Douglas, that they will least suspect the invisible power back of your key men. I said, the average devotee of Douglas will least suspect, but there will arise someone who fully understands the economic philosophical analysis and who will ask questions, and may even challenge the key men. The strategy to follow is not an immediate denial, but rather one of great surprise. Ignore the challenge and if the issue is pursued, raise the racial issue, persecution, etc. This will have great effect and will serve to silence the average person.
There are always certain individuals prominent in the movement who will deserve careful attention. Jaques [Norman Jaques, Social Credit MP in the Canadian Parliament, 1935-1949] is one of them. In my opinion this man is most dangerous to our cause. Despite our efforts we have never been able to unseat him. Watch him carefully. He has his followers in B. C.
Another point to consider, one that I deem very important, is the holding of Conventions. On the face they appear quite all right, but they are dangerous. Never have groups formed so that accredited delegates will attend. Once the groups get out of control, your trouble starts. Aberhart built his strength through groups. He was a master organiser. Byrne and Tudor Jones, both ardent Douglasites, and firm believers in pressure politics, in their writings stress the old Grecian symbol of the circumference of the circle ruling the centre. We must at all times be on our guard against the teachings of these men. Decentralisation of power and Anti-Supreme State are favourite themes. Jones is unusually clever, and I am inclined to think from reports reaching me from a key man in the London School, that he is Douglas’s ghost writer.
Mrs. Webster, talented and versatile, is another disciple. Her books should be kept out of circulation. I have discussed the method of this before. Mrs. Webster’s book on the French Revolution and Secret Societies would, if circulated widely, do us irreparable harm. Tutte’s book in my opinion is harmless. The Course put out by the Social Credit Secretariat is, to say the least, most complete. You should get it if possible.
Aberhart grew dissatisfied with the growth of S. C. in B. C., and attempted to form another party. How this move was frustrated is known to you. If the disgruntled in B. C. should show signs of being impatient and should at any time accuse the key men of being inactive and in some instances, openly accuse them of being Communists, point to published letters and addresses to refute such accusations. If a definite split is made you will have to act quickly, because once control gets out of your hands our cause is lost.
NB: In 1945, Igor Gouzenko, a cipher clerk at the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa, Canada, defected to the West. As a result, Gouzenko exposed the existence of an extensive espionage ring in Canada. The head of this Communist spy ring was identified as a certain Fishel Rosenberg (aka Fred Rose), a Member of the Canadian Parliament. It appears very likely that this Soviet agent, who was imprisoned for four and a half years for espionage in Canada, was the author of the above revealing document. .