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Sacred Connections Scotland - site map


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Guardians of the Way: The Continuity of the Light and Sound Teachings through the Ages
Vision of Albion: The Key to the Holy Grail by Barry Dunford  (OUT OF PRINT)
The Holy Land of Scotland: Jesus in Scotland the Gospel of the Grail by Barry Dunford (OUT OF PRINT)

Celtic history

The Celtic Church and the Monastic Tradition of the Middle East
The Johannine Celtic Church
Iona:  Sacred Isle of the west.
The Mystery of the Mother Church.
The Celto-Himalayan connection.
Scotland’s past links with ancient Egypt.
The Romano-Christian British connection.
The Christ Mission in Britain.
The spiritual role of the sacred isles of Britain in World history.

Historical enigmas

Did Jesus visit Scotland?
Was Pontius Pilate a Scot?
Were Jesus & Mary Magdalene on the Isle of Iona?
The intriguing mystery of a stained glass window in Kilmore Church, Dervaig, on the Scottish Isle of Mull.
The Face of Christ.
Was there a female apostolic succession?
Schiehallion – Mount Zion in the far north.
Monarch of antiquity. The sacred yew in Fortingall, central Scotland, reputedly the oldest tree in Europe.
Rosa Templum: The enigmatic arcanum of Rosslyn Chapel.
The esoteric role of the Avesas – Spiritual Adepts of Longevity.
The Hollow Earth Enigma.


The Wave of the Future. The Spiritual Truth of the Light and Sound Teachings and the true Gospel of Jesus the Christ.
Aramaic Prayer of Jesus (translating the multiple meanings of the prayer) by Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz.
Recommended reading.

New economics

CH Douglas: 12,000 people hear Douglas, Australia, April 1934.
The Nation’s Credit. A precis of Major C.H. Douglas’ proposals.
Controlling Social Credit.
Scotland and it’s Money by James Gibb Stuart, published 1991.
Finance and the Environment by Robert Klinck
