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Guardians of the Way
Vision of Albion
Holy Land of Scotland
Celtic history
Celtic church and Middle East
Johannine Celtic Church
Iona: sacred Isle
The Mother Church
Celto-Himalayan connection
Scotland and ancient Egypt
Romano-Christian connection
Christ Mission in Britain
Spiritual role of Britain
Historical enigmas
Did Jesus visit Scotland?
Pontius Pilate a Scot?
Jesus and Mary Magdalene on Iona?
Stained glass window mystery
The Face of Christ
Female apostles?
Fortingall yew tree
Rosslyn Chapel
Avesas: adepts of longevity
Hollow Earth Enigma
The Wave of the future
Aramaic Prayer of Jesus
Recommended reading
New economics
Who was CH Douglas?
CH Douglas talk
Security – Institutional and Personal
Social Credit
Social Credit explained
What is Social Credit?
Social Credit and the Christian Ethic
The Nation’s Credit
Controlling Social Credit
Scotland’s money
Finance and Environment
Debt psychosis emancipation
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Sacred Connections Scotland
Barry and Theresa’s visits to the Isle of Iona, Scotland